Since our brains are wired to focus on the negative, it takes little effort to dwell on all the things that are going wrong in our lives. It’s easy for us to be in a constant state of unfulfillment, and never feel content with what we have in the moment. Starting a gratitude journal can help change that.

Practicing gratitude has been found to affect the brain in a similar way to antidepressants. No matter what you’re going through, there is always something to be grateful for. These 38 gratitude journal prompts will change your outlook on life. Use them daily to gradually retrain your mind to think positively even in challenging situations, and feel grateful for every privilege you have. Start by writing about… 

  1. Something that made you smile this week
  2. Someone who supported you through a tough time
  3. Your greatest talent
  4. Your favorite artist and how their music makes you feel
  5. What you love about your home
  6. Your favorite food
  7. Challenges that have helped you grow
  8. An amazing opportunity you’ve gotten
  9. A piece of technology that makes your life easier
  10. People you love
  11. Pets/animals that bring you joy
  12. Something you’re looking forward to
  13. Your favorite show, YouTube channel, or book
  14. The most awesome trip you’ve ever been on
  15. Your favorite drink
  16. Your five senses, and what you get to experience daily because of them
  17. Your family
  18. The last time you helped a friend
  19. The last time a friend helped you
  20. The best gift you’ve ever received
  21. Your favorite holiday
  22. Something you couldn’t live with out
  23. An important lesson you learned in the past year
  24. Something you love about your neighborhood
  25. A happy childhood memory
  26. One thing you love about your body
  27. Your greatest accomplishment
  28. Something small you accomplished today that brought you one step closer to achieving a goal
  29. The positive aspects of your job/school
  30. Your favorite quote
  31. The best photo you’ve ever taken
  32. The beauty of nature
  33. Your favorite season
  34. An item that gives you comfort
  35. What you love about being a woman
  36. When you feel the most confident
  37. Something that helps you live a healthier lifestyle
  38. Your favorite place

Looking for a quick, easy way to get started with your daily gratitude journal? Download the 5-4-3-2-1 gratitude journal below. Even if journaling is not your thing, starting each day by thinking about what you’re grateful for, no matter how small, will make a huge difference in your life and mental health.


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