Over the past few years, companies across the world have caught onto the trend of developing a growth mindset. They use it as a strategy to boost their employees’ productivity and maximize the success of their business. What’s the secret to building a growth mindset, and how can you use it to change your life for the better?
People who have a growth mindset believe that they are capable of improving their abilities through hard work. They don’t limit themselves based on their natural strengths and weaknesses; they constantly strive to build new skills. Since they believe in their ability to learn and improve, they create an optimal environment for personal growth.
On the other hand, those with a fixed mindset believe that their current talents (or lack thereof) are unchangeable traits. They believe that they were born with certain skills, and there’s nothing they can do to grow or change. As a result, they tend not to put as much effort into self-improvement as those with a growth mindset. From their point of view, there’s no point in striving for improvement since they’re stuck with their natural strengths and weaknesses. They usually feel totally defeated at the slightest failure.
Change your brain, change your life
Not only is a growth mindset more beneficial than a fixed mindset, but it is also more accurate. Research has shown that our brains change over time as we have new life experiences, a phenomenon called NEUROPLASTICITY. In other words, you are capable of changing your own brain by developing different thought patterns. You have the ability to train your mind and develop a positive outlook that leads to success. Recognizing this fact is the first step in the process. Here are 7 secrets to building a growth mindset, and how you can implement them in your day to day life.
1. Monitor your self-talk
Notice the beliefs you hold about yourself, and whether you have a positive or negative inner dialogue. When you make a mistake, do you beat yourself up and take it as evidence that you’re not adequate enough? Or, do you see it as an opportunity to improve? Do you believe you have the ability to reach your goals, or do you think you’re just inherently not good enough to achieve them? Don’t judge these thoughts, take note of them and how they make you feel.
Challenge “fixed mindset” thoughts and replace sweeping generalizations with more realistic statements. “I’m not good enough and never will be” is a thought that is both damaging and untrue. A more helpful and rational statement would be, “I wasn’t successful this time around, but I will be next time if I focus on the areas I have to improve.” When negative self-talk starts to take over, remind yourself that you are capable of developing the skills you need. Challenging limiting thoughts is important because if they go unchecked, they can hold you back without you even realizing.
2. Be open-minded and curious
For people with a fixed mindset, trying something new or going into a situation unprepared can be a scary thing. In their minds, since they don’t believe they can learn and develop new skills, they’re stuck with the ones they already have. They fear that they’ll fail and that others will think they’re naturally incapable.
Don’t be afraid to enter situations where you’re not the expert. Remind yourself that it’s okay if you don’t know everything right off the bat, and no one is expecting you to. Over time, you’ll become more comfortable with venturing into new learning experiences. This will push you to expand your skills and develop a growth mindset.
3. Educate yourself
Expanding your knowledge in different areas will help you gain the confidence you need to learn and pick up new skills, which is key for building a growth mindset. Develop a love for learning by educating yourself on a topic you’re passionate about, and finding ways to make it fun.
4. Acknowledge your strengths
Everyone has gifts and talents that seem to come naturally to them. This doesn’t mean that your strengths and weaknesses are fixed, it means that you find some skills easier to develop than others. Acknowledging your strengths will boost your confidence, which in turn will help you trust that you can improve your weaknesses. If you feel like you don’t have any talents or you’re not sure what they are yet, you can start by recognizing your accomplishments. Celebrating your successes is an essential part of SELF-CARE and will help highlight your current strengths.
5. Embrace challenges and feedback
Both positive and negative feedback can play a huge role in your self-development. A fixed mindset can cause you to be apprehensive about judgement of any kind. Unfortunately, this fear minimizes the benefit you could get from others’ constructive criticism or praise. You might brush off praise and chalk it up to luck, or view criticism as an attack on you.
In fact, constructive feedback can help highlight the areas you need to focus most on improving. It’s not a reflection of your value or intelligence. It’s a reflection of the skills you’ve put the most effort into developing. Feedback can help you develop a growth mindset by identifying where to focus your effort in the future.
6. Track your progress
When you set out to complete a task or learn something new, keep track of your progress every step of the way. You’ll feel more motivated to complete the task at hand. Eventually, your confidence will build and you’ll feel comfortable enough to take on new learning opportunities. Having a record of success proves that you can develop the tools you’ll need in the future.
7. Believe in your ability to change
One of the secrets to success for any self-development journey, including building a growth mindset, is supporting yourself. Continually remind yourself that your brain is built for growth and change, and that you are capable of anything.
Building a growth mindset means developing a healthier and more realistic way of viewing yourself and the world around you. It means accepting yourself where you’re at now, and gaining confidence from the fact that you are always able to improve. No matter what personal goals you’re trying to achieve, having a growth mindset will help you in every area of your life.